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is not
 a fatality.

Relief for your ears
tinnitus app screenshot

Set up your tinnitus(es) in 4 steps

In less than 3 minutes you will be able to setup the equivalent sound of what you're hearing from your tinnitus.


  • Ear-specific setup
  • Pick the relevant frequency
  • Adjust amplitude and waveform


Run therapies

For each of your tinnituses, the app automatically builds a specific habituation therapy.

  • Run it at any time
  • Rate your tinnitus intensity before / after
  • Set up the duration of your choice

Track Your Progress

After each therapy, the app updates a graph which enables you to monitor the evolution of your tinnitus on a regular basis.


  • Automated graph
  • Before / After therapy comparison
  • Data stays on your phone
key features
Reach out to us

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Privacy Policy

No data is collected by this app. Your privacy is respected at all times.

Terms of use

Use this app responsibly, at your own risk. Never use it at maximum volume, or for more than 60 minutes at a time. Stop using it immediately if your symptoms worsen. Seek medical advice before using this app.

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